Solutions to Improve Our World

On View October 4 through December 31, 2022


This SAQA Worldwide exhibition invited artists to explore solutions to improve sustainability in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works. All of the artwork in some way illustrates our complex interconnectedness with nature and covers a vast range of topics—industry, agriculture, daily living, and the natural world. Sustainability challenges viewers to consider how we can meet our needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

About SAQA
Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt as a fine art medium. Over the past 30 years, SAQA has grown into a dynamic and active community of over 4,000 artists, curators, collectors, and art professionals located around the world. SAQA’s core values are excellence, innovation, integrity and inclusion. To lean more, visit Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc.


Exhibition Preview